Just days after the horrific assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump that left Corey Comparatore dead and two more injured, the full gravity of what happened is sinking it, and it might just save Joe Biden’s candidacy.
According to Axios, a leading House Democrat now says, ‘We’ve all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency.’ Can you blame them?
The last time there was an image of courage, freedom and America as iconic as Trump raising his fist after being shot was on Iwo Jima, and both will now live forever in history.
Four months out from a general election, a lot can happen, and to be sure, Trump has not won a second non-consecutive term yet, but the electoral Magic 8 Ball says signs point to yes and that is reason enough to leave Grandpa Joe on the ticket.
After all, the whole point of a last-minute switcheroo to a Vice President Kamala Harris or a Gov. Gavin Newsom was to present a young, fresh face full of energy, but now they could both run double marathons and not look as indomitable as the bloodied former president.
And it is more than that, since it became clear that Trump would be the GOP nominee the Democrats have put all of their eggs in the single basket of his supposed grave threat to democracy, now with deadly consequences.
Now it certainly looks like any Democrat who challenges Trump is doomed to fall, so why not feed Biden to the proverbial wolves, win, lose, or draw, his political career is over anyway.
In an effort to make Americans forget their financial woes, a world on fire, boys playing girls sports and the rest of the weird priorities of Democratic leadership, they painted Trump as an evil dictator, and got a husband and father killed.
In the wake of a moment that was a turn of the head from being one of the most tragic and traumatic events in American history that kind of hot, Dark Brandon energy is about as welcome as a drinking contest at a Mormon retreat.
Put simply, the very prosecution of that case, the only one Democrats had, that inflation might be bad and the world is on fire, but Trump is literally Hitler is verboten now, with damn good reason.
No, now the Democrats will have to actually defend Biden’s miserable record that is remarkable mostly for the lowest approval ratings in the history of the republic, good luck.
It is truly remarkable, though it feels like two years, it was just over two weeks ago that Joe Biden face planted on the debate stage launching what seemed like an unstoppable effort to get Joe off the ticket.
But now it certainly looks like any Democrat who challenges Trump is doomed to fall, so why not feed Biden to the proverbial wolves, win, lose, or draw, his political career is over anyway.
Politics is a strange game of twists and turns, each more surprising than the last. Just days ago, the only thing that Joe Biden and his supporters wanted was some way to stay in the race, and turn the page on his crumbling faculties.
Be careful what you wish for.
On Sunday night, Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office, the latest feat of strength meant to reassure the nation that he has his wits about him.
The soccer match at the Wisconsin sports bar where I was eating switched the speech. About halfway
through, Gabe, a local landscaper in a blue Chelsea jersey sank his head into his hands, shook it and said, ‘He has no idea what he is saying.’
But it doesn’t matter now, it’s almost better, now if Trump wins, which even Democrats, at least in private admit is more than likely then it might as well be Biden’s swan song rather than an embarrassment for some young up and comer, to the extent the Democrats have any.
Sometimes fate steps in, sometimes a turn of the head is the difference between life and death and sometimes it is evil like this assassination attempt that clarifies what really matters.
Joe Biden has survived to live another day, or at least another four months, but the price was very high and for Trump, the path back to the White House is wide and open.