Solana and Cardano: Cardano is sliding towards the 0.2500
The price of Solana yesterday retreated to the 14.00 level.
The cardan price is in retreat for the third day in a row.
Solana chart analysis
The price of Solana yesterday retreated to the 14.00 level. The decline came after the failure to climb above the 15.50 level. Today we see a price recovery from yesterday’s low to 15.00. There we encounter a new resistance and make an immediate pullback to the 14.70 level.
Solana is again in a bearish consolidation, and we are again leaning toward the 14.00 support level. Another visit to that level could see a breakout below and the formation of a new low. Potential lower targets are 13.50 and 13.00 levels.
Cardano chart analysis
The cardan price is in retreat for the third day in a row. Today we see the formation of a new low at the 0.2524 level. There is a noticeable increase in bearish pressure on the price, which could push it even lower. Potential lower targets are 0.2500 and 0.2450 levels. The decline could continue lower and move to last week’s support zone of 0.2300-0.2350.
We need a positive consolidation and a move to the 0.27000 level for a bullish option. Then we need to break above and try to stay up there, and with a new impulse, we would start the continuation of the recovery. Potential higher targets are 0.2800 and 0.2900 levels.
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